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Manifiesto del Marxismo Colapsista (Libro)

Chomsky and Apocalypse.png

Noam Chomsky and the Climate Apocalypse 
(Ecological Catastrophe
and Socialism Debate)

Fundición Ventanas.png

Crisis ecológica, Lucha de clases y Estrategia. En torno al cierre de la fundición Ventanas en Chile


Tienda Virtual / Virtual Shop
Compras Online

Destacados / Highlights
(Online Shop) 

03-MyC (Art 1).png

Marxismo y Colapso

Artificial Intelligence
(Genosis Zero)

Novedades: Welcome

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Tus colaboraciones financieras serán utilizadas para expandir nuestras capacidades editoriales

Your financial contributions will be used to expand our editorial capabilities 


Updates, Additions and Adopted Criteria (October Project)

Septiembre-Diciembre 2022:

-Lanzamiento de las secciones "Novedades" y "Contacto" de nuestro sitio web

-Implementación de cuentas PayPal, Patron y otras plataformas para futuras campañas financieras

-Lanzamiento del borrador de la primera parte del libro "Crisis ecológica, Lucha de Clases y Estrategia", a ser publicado por Marxismo y Colapso.

-Diversas publicaciones en medios internacionales: Monthly Review (USA-Canada) Sublation Magazine (USA), The Socialist Project (Canada), Meta (Grecia), Periódico Desde Abajo (Colombia), (Venezuela), etc.

-Publicación de los comentarios críticos de John Bellamy Foster (Monthly Review), Max Wilbert (Deep Green Resistance) y Yanis Varoufakis (Meta) en torno a la primera parte del debate "Cataclismo ecológico, Colapso, Democracia y Socialismo" entre Noam Chomsky, Miguel Fuentes y Guy McPherson (inglés y español).

-Lanzamiento oficial de la sección "Programa" de nuestro sitio web

-Publicación de material (ensayo) en apoyo a la lucha del pueblo ucraniano y la lucha de mapuche titulado: "Ensayo de Guerra por la Victoria del Pueblo Ucraniano y en solidaridad con la Lucha Mapuche" (Miguel Fuentes)

-Publicación de la declaración "Octubristas por el Rechazo. Hay que Rechazar con el Voto Nulo y un Nuevo Estallido" ante el plebiscito de salida de la Convención Constitucional en Chile.

-Publicación en nuestro blog de la entrada "Contra el Ecomodernismo de Jacobin y el Industrialismo Trotskista"



Junio-Agosto 2022:

-Publicación en nuestro blog referente a los materiales elaborados por el experto ártico Peter Wadhams de la Universidad de Cambridge en años anteriores

-Publicación en nuestro blog de entrada de promoción del programa chileno "El Estallido" del referente colapsista chileno Ariel Zuñiga.

-Diversas entrada en nuestro blog sobre el conflicto socioambiental de Ventanas en Chile, artículos temáticos publicados por Marxismo y Colapso en años recientes y otras entradas temáticas.

-Lanzamiento de la sección "Emergencia Estratégica" de nuestro sitio web, la cual se suma a la sección anterior ya publicada de "Debates"

-A statement concerning the exceeding of the 420 ppm CO2 concentration barrier in the atmosphere is published on our blog.

-A series of thematic posts on the US radical ecology movement "Deep Green Resistance" are published on our blog.

The (long-term) dissemination campaign of the English-language version of the Chomsky-Fuentes-McPherson interview is launched in North America, Western Europe and Australia.




Abril-Mayo 2022:

Preparations are underway to activate a campaign to disseminate the English-language version of the Chomsky-Fuentes-McPherson interview in North America, Western Europe and Australia.

-The English version of the Chomsky-Fuentes-McPherson interview-debate is published under the title "Climate catastrophe, Collapse, Democracy and Socialism". The publication is disseminated on social networks by the Greek Marxist economist Yanis Varoufakis and by hundreds of people on different continents. The digital dissemination of this material in countries such as Japan and South Korea stands out.

-New supplementary materials (presentations) associated with the Spanish version of the Chomsky-Fuentes-McPherson interview-debate are published.

-Significant increases in the flow of visitors and subscribers from Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Colombia and Spain.

-The promotional videos of Marxism and Collapse are published in English and French. Two YouTube channels of our site (Spanish-English and Spanish-French) are activated. The videos available on each channel are grouped into thematic playlists.

-Three new sections of our website are created: Translations, Press and Contact.

-Blog posts in different languages are published on the blog concerning the interview with the Marxist intellectual Michael Lowy during 2017.

-The first promotional video the first promotional video in Spanish of our platform edited in 2019 is uploaded to the blog. New promotional videos in English, French and Russian are expected to be available soon.

Two new promotional videos are published on our blog: one referring to our appreciation of indigenous cultures as "spaces of socio-historical teachings" of vital importance in the current scenario of imminent civilisational collapse, and the other to disseminate the art section of our website.

-Marxism and Collapse YouTube and Twitch channels are created. Our platform has more than 20 social media profiles. We are currently working on a joint general automated administration.

-ATOM feed buttons are integrated into the blog and discussion section of our site with direct links to our automated network intervention networks.

The Alpha initiative: Global Automated Multi-Platforms Network (GAMN) is launched.

-Multiple mass media offensives have been developed in a number of countries such as Chile, Argentina and Spain. New media positioning offensives are expected to be launched shortly in Mexico, the United States and France.  

-A statement is published concerning the current Chilean political situation marked by the betrayal of the Frente Amplio government to the popular sectors and the possibility in the medium term of a second social explosion. Previously another statement was published with our position as a platform regarding the war in Ukraine. 

-New blog posts in English, Spanish and French on the Chomsky-Fuentes-McPherson debate and promoting the debate section of our website.

The second part of the Chomsky-Fuentes-McPherson the publication of the second part of the Chomsky-Fuentes-McPherson debate in English and Spanish is in preparation.

-The blog page of our site becomes one of the most visited sections of our web platform. It was decided to expand the languages of our blog to Russian and Ukrainian.

-The number of translated publications available in various languages on our homepage is expanding. We have so far translated materials from their Spanish originals into English, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan and Russian. New documents in French, Ukrainian and Chinese are expected to be added to this list in the near future. 

-The first cycle of global media positioning of our order is completed (content amplification map on the blog).

-The publications in our blog and debates section are resumed with materials associated with the dissemination of the interview-debate with Noam Chomsky, Miguel Fuentes and Guy McPherson. We are also publishing the Russian and Spanish versions of the presentation written for the publication of this interview in the Russian academic journal Latinskaya América by the researcher specialising in Latin American studies Victor Jeifets of the University of St. Petersburg in Russia. The full publication of this discussion in English, Russian and Ukrainian is expected soon.




February-April 2022:

-The First Congress of Marxist-Collapsist Tribes is held in Kharkiv (Ukraine) with the aim of coordinating our collaboration with the Ukrainian people's resistance against the invasion. It is further agreed to use the Ukrainian conflict as a war school of "Collapsist Bolshevism". Collapse squads are deployed on various fronts with the aim of collaborating against the invasion.

-During this period the Spanish-language publication of the first part of the Chomsky-Fuentes-McPherson debate produced by our platform is disseminated on dozens of websites, digital newspapers and research centres in a number of countries such as Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Mexico and Spain, among others..

-The activities of our platforms revolved almost entirely during these months around the conjuncture of the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, where we have had a direct presence in the conflict. Most of the activities, publications and improvements to our web platform focused during these times on the development of thematic blog posts on our site with multiple references to our network's publications on other platforms such as Twitter.




January-February 2022:

-Publication of the interview-debate "Climate Catastrophe, Collapse, Democracy and Socialism" between the intellectual Noam Chomsky, the representative of the Marxist collapse current Miguel Fuentes and the scientist Guy McPherson. Successive publications in Spanish, English, French and Russian in different countries.

-International collaboration agreements between Marxism and Collapse and a number of media platforms, media outlets, academic institutions and researchers in various countries.

-The theoretical and political-strategic publication plan of our platform is systematised.




November-December 2021:

-The blog of our site has been updated. The classification of posts is improved by establishing a thematic classification typology of posts, which will be permanently renewed to facilitate user navigation. The blog will have posts in Spanish, English and French.

-Social media accounts are integrated with our site's automated messaging systems.

-Preparation and final editing of the interview-debate "Climate Catastrophe, Collapse, Democracy and Socialism" between the intellectual Noam Chomsky, the representative of the Marxist collapse current Miguel Fuentes and the scientist Guy McPherson to be launched during the month of January.




October 2021:

-The site's blog is updated by adding new entries, news sub-sections (international reality, climate change, energy crisis, health crisis-covid-19, ecosocialism, collapsism and Marxism-collapse), videos, music, image gallery and thematic links to other sections of the Marxism and Collapse website.

-A sub-section is created on the central page with the reference to the documents of our site translated into English and other languages.

-The presentation of our site is published in English.

-The preliminary version of our English website is launched.

-A communication campaign is launched to promote the future launch of the official Marxism and Collapse website in English.

-New sub-section added on the central page with a link to a presentation article on our site.

The launch of the unpublished debate between Noam Chomsky, Miguel Fuentes and other anti-capitalist thinkers is being prepared and will be published in parallel in English and Spanish.




September 2021:

-The blog and forum sections of our website are activated.

-The "Congresses and Presentations" section is created, where videos of presentations by academics and public calls for meetings are added.

The first version of the "Art, Literature and Collapse" section of the site is launched.

The complementary thematic sections "Columns" and "Beyond Modern" are created.

-New papers are added to the "Climate Change", "Strategic Emergency", "Revolution in the Face of Collapse" and "Collapse Debate" sections.

The official pages of our web portal on Facebook (Marxism and Collapse Web) and Twitter (Marxism and Collapse) are active.

The beta version of our English language site is launched, available in the main menu of the site. We expect to be able to officially launch our site in English within the next month, once the translation work is completed.

-French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish and Portuguese versions are expected to be available in the medium term. Russian, Chinese and Arabic versions are currently being evaluated to facilitate our interaction with some of our digital federation partners.

-New accounts associated with the Digital Federation of Collapse Tribes are detected on social networks in Spanish and English.

-Some areas of our Digital Federation are inoperative and others are down as a result of incursions by hostile tribes. The flow of visitors to our spaces is reduced by 30%. Full functionality associated with the downed spaces is expected to be restored within a month. 




August 2021:

-The public phase of our web project begins with the authorisation of the order.

-It is agreed to adopt an organisational approach to Tribu Digital and to call for the creation of an International Federation of Marxist-Collapsist Clans (presentation document in preparation).

-New documents added to the Pandemic section (Covid-19) - Health Crisis.

-New documents are added to the "Strategic Emergency", "Revolution in the Face of Collapse" and "Climate Change" sections.

Section with article "A Theoretical Introduction to Collapsist Marxism" added to the homepage.

-Work is underway to create a blog and forum for the site.

-The app is implemented to access the site from mobile phones.

-An automated chat system is implemented.

-New participants join our community from the public sphere.

-We welcome new contributors to the public sphere in a number of countries such as Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba and Spain.

New M&C platforms are detected on social networks in Argentina and Spain. Other dissemination platforms are in preparation in different countries and regions.

©2019 by Marxism and Collapse

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