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Monthly Review and Alex Callinicos recommend Michael Roberts' intervention in the Debate on Marx's Theory of Value

Actualizado: 7 oct

Marxism and Collapse - Debates

Monthly Review and Alex Callinicos recommend Michael Roberts' intervention

in the Debate on Marx's Theory of Value

Just a few hours after economist Michael Roberts published his contribution to the Marxism and Collapse debate on Marx's Theory of Value, the Marxist magazine Monthly Review (led by ecosocialist intellectual John Bellamy Foster) and Marxist intellectual Alex Callinicos joined a series of intellectuals and platforms in promoting the debate.

-Monthly Review

(Marxist Journal)

-Alex Callinicos

(Marxist Intellectual)

-Michael Robert's Contribution

(Marxist Economist)

Although Michael Roberts' positions starkly contrast with those developed in our dialogue with the Marxist AI Model Genosis Zero on Marx's Theory of Value, we appreciate his contributions for their theoretical depth and as a catalyst for continuing the debate.

During the upcoming installments of this debate, we will expand on the discussions from previous sections. Additionally, we will provide a comprehensive response to the views expressed by Michael Roberts in his intervention, complemented by a critique of the positions of some ecosocialist theorists such as John Bellamy Foster and Kohei Saito on this topic. Our aim is to establish "theoretical bridges" between Marx's theory of value and contemporary posthumanist ecological thought, as seen in the works of authors like Jason Moore.

And let's add something more

We are going to win this debate!

It's inevitable!

-Marx Theory of Value Debate

-Genosis Zero

Marxist Artificial Intelligence Model

Stay tuned!

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